Induction week

Induction week Yr1

The Past

Starting my course, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. I worried that perhaps the subject of Graphic Communications could be taught in quite a set and regimented way by the lecturers. Regardless, I was still excited for the practical work as I know I am much better at creating than writing. Being more of a hands-on kind of person with my work, it was quite daunting joining a “Graphics” course as I realise many people are probably already technologically efficient. I know that I have always been willing to learn how to upgrade my work to a computer screen, but I haven’t yet received the right guidance.


The Present

During my induction week, I was introduced to a few different things. We received our first brief for our “Learning Journals” during a welcome presentation. It was quite a shock as I have never heard of university courses using a method like this before. We were also told to start our own online blogs on ‘WordPress’. This again, was new and surprising, I had always wanted to start one before, but never had the confidence or inspiration for ideas on what to post. I am glad that I have already started coming out of my comfort zone by beginning this task.


The Future

So far, to my excitement, the lecturers have made me feel confident that they are open to new and different ideas of working styles.

After reading further into the brief for our “Learning Journals”, the idea of writing down my thoughts and reflections seemed odd to start. Now, I have come to realise how creating a blog can be an asset to all of us during our time on the course. There are many new things that are thrown our way during this time, writing it all down afterwards is a good way of keeping on top of it all (even if it’s not everyday).

I believe there is plenty of room for improvement this year in the way that I usually create my pieces, as I have not yet had the guidance to branch out my creative work using professional digital formats before. Many of my classmates have shown their own unique styles through their creations which were displayed during our “Me, Myself and I” presentations. I hope I am able to gather some inspiration from them all and learn how to broaden my horizons.
